Console Connect 7.1 release notes

  • 10 February 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 2

The latest release of Console Connect provides some improvements to how Internet on-Demand services are configured and displayed, a new IoT SIM management URL and some performance-related fixes.

Version: 7.1
Date: 10 Feb 2023

What's new

  • Internet on-Demand Burst Rate Limit validation rules have been updated. There is now no minimum Committed Data Rate (CDR) and the maximum burst size is 10 x CDR.
  • The Internet on-Demand View screen now includes IPv6 subnet masks and displays IPv6 addresses in compressed format. 
  • For IoT services, the URL of our SIM management platform has been updated to There is no change to your username and password.


  • A number of back end performance issues.

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